Hype In Games

Hype In Games

Choo Choo! Hype Train! …I’ve never understood that whole trend. In this episode I take a look at the ways hype can hurt games and how they can recover from it, or get buried in it as the case may be. Remember to connect with us on Twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. […]

60 – Rise Of Nations

This episode we discuss Rise of Nations, a strange hybrid of Risk & Age of Empires. It’s a great game with some really epic scope to its gameplay. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble […]

59 – Big Huge Games

In this episode, we go to a smaller scale and look at the growth, death, and restriction of a game developer. Specifically Big Huge Games and their growth from the team’s days at Microprose to Firaxis and starting their own house. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And […]

58 – The Castle Of Dr. Brain

It’s not a clean castle, but it absolutely has an organizing plan. This episode we take a trip to one of Sierra’s educational adventure games. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

57 – Stealth Edutainment

We are always learning. This episode we look at how games are teaching you even when you don’t realize it. Instead of classic “edutainment”, these games aren’t focused on a single concept. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, […]

56 – The Sims

If the developers explore the twisted ways to kill characters, it can’t be wrong, Wright? Join an exploration of a one of a kind game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

55 – Rise And Fall Of Maxis

When mapmaking leads to an empire. This episode we look at the house that Will built, a brief history of Maxis Games. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to give a little […]

54 – Wolf 3D/Doom/Duke Nukem 3D

More than 2 guns, remember that? This episode we look at the big 3 of shooters from back in the day. These are the granddaddies that have defined the genre’s core. And no, we didn’t forget to look at the newer releases from all of these games. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the […]

53 – History Of The FPS

Guns, guns, guns. Check out our brief look at the history of the First Person Shooter genre. Starting all the way back with maze games, passing through Doom & Wolfenstein, and then coming all the way back to Doom & Wolfenstein… wait, what? It makes sense in the course of it all, I swear. Remember […]

52 – Jazz Jackrabbit

Seriously, where’s my Saturday morning cartoon of this? With the cereal, and toys, and t-shirts? Why was this not a bigger franchise? Sorry, this episode we’re looking at Jazz Jackrabbit, the prodigal son of Epic Megagames, or as you know them now just Epic. This is the game that showed the world that computers could […]

51 – Shareware Games

Some of these trial games were longer than modern campaigns. This episode I look at the value that shareware games both during their peak and the lasting influence they’ve had on gaming into today. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a […]

02 – The Launch

Welcome back to Digital Starmap, now live on all your favorite podcatchers. This episode I take a look at the launch event, the value of a site like The View so early in the trip and some of the sights I’ve seen along the way. Next time around I’ll give an update/breakdown on the ED […]

Why I’m Joining

Hello Commanders. Welcome to Digital Starmap: A Distant Worlds 2 Audio Log. I’m Commander Kitty Face and this is the story of why I’m joining the trip out. Come back for future episodes updating on current events with the fleet and sharing my personal stories of the trip. For reference, here’s my post of my […]

50 – X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter: Balance Of Power

Stay on target. In this episode we look at the famous Star Wars space sim, X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter. I’m open to admitting it’s a game I like, but with a few quirks to deal with. Be careful playing this on Windows 10. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join […]

49 – Star Wars Flight Games

It’s some old software, sir, but it checks out. Prepare for a lightspeed look at some key examples of Star Wars games that let you fly through space. Starting with the classic Arcade game, pulling the yoke to The Old Republic and diving into a glance at the next episode with X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. Remember […]

48 – Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail

How was there no porter in this game named Cole? This episode we take a look at the 6th Leisure Suit Larry Game, number 7. This game was a fun tweak on the then standard adventure game formula and the last of the core games designed by Al Lowe, who we talked to last episode. […]

47 – Al Lowe Interview

Join me in a conversation with Al Lowe, creator of Leisure Suti Larry, one of the legendary group from Sierra Online’s glory days. We go over such a diverse range of topics from his beginnings in music, to royalty terms, to the neat things his site has led to. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit […]

46 – Comedy In Games Feat: Ryan Sim

The episode where I bring in a ringer. Join myself and Ryan Sim, comedian and co-host of “The Other Movies” as we talk about the highs and lows of comedy as it’s used in games. I’m also willing to admit that all comedy is subjective and what I find works well, may not hold true […]

45 – Con-version: EGLX 2018 Again

Didn’t we do this already this year? Well, yes, but thanks to a significant venue change we get to do it again early. Come along on an audio stroll around the EGLX floor as told through my notes over the weekend. There were some great games on display, and given the growth they showed in […]

44 – Ghost Master

Casper thinks it’s mean, but his brothers LOVE IT! This episode we’re looking at the cult classic that deserved so much more, Ghost Master. Stop what you’re doing right now and check out this underrated gem. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market […]

43 – Being The Bad Guy

Being bad feels so good. This episode we check out the kinds of games that let you play as the bad guys, the villains, or just a huge jerk. Embrace your darker urges and get it out of your system. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if […]

42 – The Oregon Trail

Bandits attacked while you have dysentery and you broke a wheel. Welcome to the world of The Oregon Trail, arguably the first edutainment game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to give a […]

41 – Teletype Games

These machines aren’t quiet. If you couldn’t afford a fancy 10 inch terminal for a mainframe computer, a teletype would allow you to access the information, add information in, and play games when you should be working. Join us as we take a walk through the earliest days of video game history. Remember to connect […]

40 – Star Trek: Judgment Rites

It’s episodic, just released all at once. This episode we check out Star Trek: Judgment Rites from Interplay. This is one of the games that best represents the heights that Star Trek can achieve on a philosophical level. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the […]

39 – Star Trek Games & Philosophy

The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. How well do Star Trek games reflect the goals and ideals of the Star Trek series put forward by Gene Roddenberry? This episode we look at how these have been (or in one case hasn’t been) implemented into video games over the years. Have […]

38 – Star Trek: Starfleet Command

Wait… I can retreat? Wish I knew that sooner. Join me as we fly a fleet of starships throughout the Alpha Quadrant. This was my first time exploring this game and it was everything I could hope for. Next game we’ll be playing is the adventure Star Trek: Judgement Rites. Remember to connect with us […]

37 – History of Star Trek Games Part 2

Podcasters log… Continuing on from last years History of Star Trek Games, we take a look at the PC releases of the era featuring Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. These games all exist in a liceneing period that are no longer available, so most of the links in the reference section are to […]

36 – SimCity 2000

Reticulating Splines! This episode we look at the ’93 classic SimCity 2000. Someday we’ll look at the ’99 classic SimCity 3000. Yes, they have some weird naming systems. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble […]

35 – Know Your Genre: City Builders

Build the world in your image! This episode, learn the basics about City Builders, and maybe learn about a title you haven’t heard of before. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

34 – Tomb Raider

Welcome to the Hall of Fame Lara, you’ve earned it. This episode we look at the original Tomb Raider, starting point of the massive multimedia franchise. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner […]

33 – Know Your Genre: Action Adventure

Emily Hartwood survived a horror well before Jill Valentine. This episode we look at the Action Adventure genre on the PC. Join us as we define what the genre is, and look at some of the greats in the field. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if […]

32 – Starcraft

More than just Warcraft in space. This episode we look at the eSport’s and RTS classic Starcraft. Special credit to the game for making a three faction single player campaign that doesn’t contradict itself. Up next on the game list, Tomb Raider. Come back next episode for a look at the Action Adventure Genre. Remember […]

31 – eSports

From arcades to major stadiums. This episode we’re taking a look at the areas and growth of eSports. Hear where they got their start, where they are now, and how we have no idea where it’s going. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the […]

30 – Wing Commander 3: Heart Of The Tiger

Here kitty kitty! This episode we look at Mark Hamill’s space shooter classic… no not that one, the other one, Wing Commander 3. Joining the crew of the TCS Victory, he does just that against the Kilrathi. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the […]

29 – Con-version EGLX

So we were talking earlier aboTHESHOWWILLBECLOSINGIN5MIN. This episode I share my experience with the EGLX convention at the International Center in Mississauga, ON. Thanks to the EGLX team for the media pass for the show, and all the volunteers for keeping the show running so well. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, […]

28 – Know Your Genre: Space Simulators

This episode we take a look at some of the different types of space simulators that have come up in the industry. From the combat games to the trading games, with a detour into the world of space races. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in […]

27 – Planescape: Torment

What can change the nature of a man? This episode we explore the game that gave us that phrase, Planescape: Torment. This classic of a game still shows up on the best of lists to this day. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a […]

26 – Chris Avellone Interview

The man who doesn’t stop swinging. In this special episode of Digital Roadmap, I sit down for a discussion with veteran game designer Chris Avellone. During our talk we cover everything from the design philosophies of his earlier work with Interplay all the way through his involvment with “Into The Breach” and “Pathfinder: Kingmaker”. Also, […]

25 – Know Your Genre: Computer Role Playing Games

You must gather your party before venturing forth. This episode we take a brief trek through the history of Computer Role Playing Games and what they are. From Rogue to The Witcher we give you a good idea of what the genre represents. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. […]

24 – Journeyman Project 2: Buried In Time

Time travel and a voice in your head cracking jokes. This episode we look back at The Journeyman Project 2: Buried In Time. Explore the distant past and distant future to the dulcet tones of a pop culture spouting AI and find out who will/did frame you 10 years from now/the other day. Time travel […]

23 – Time Travel

This episode will one day be sponsored by John Titor. Join us as we look just a few brief styles of time travel and how they’re used in video games for story telling purposes. Also, according to a guy who looked like a much older version of myself, this may one day be the pilot […]

22 – Jedi Knight Saga

A long time ago, in a galaxy that no longer exists… This episode we take a look at not one, not two, but four games and an expansion pack. Gain a better understanding of Kyle Katarn, and why old school Star Wars fans were excited by the concept of Rogue One before we knew anything […]

21 – Star Wars Expanded Universe

No Bothans were harmed in the research of this episode. This episode we look into some of the key factions and locations of the former “Expanded Universe”, now known as the “Legends” line of the Star Wars Universe. If you’re intrigued by the concepts we cover here, feel free to dig into the games, books, […]

20 – Sid Meier’s Civilization 2

All of human history on a tiny disc. This episode we look at Civilization 2 and how it brings a DOS classic into the modern era of Windows 95. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. References: Manual Civilization 4 Alpha Centauri FreeCiv Subscribe on iTunes Subscribe on Android Listen […]

19 – Know Your Genre: 4X Games

Just one more turn! This episode we look at the 4X genre as a whole, the key concepts of it, some of the classics and some newer spins on the concept. All this serves as a primer for next episode where we look at Sid Meier’s Civilization 2. In the meantime, check out some of […]

18 – The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery

What do you know about the Black Wolf? This episode we look at the second Gabriel Knight game, The Beast Within from Sierra On-line. Come back next episode when we take a look at the 4X genre of games. And after that we’re playing Civilization 2. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, […]

17 – Tim Cowles Interview

Nostalgia in 4K resolution. In this special episode I sit down with D’Aevkki Studios’ Tim Cowles, the co-writer, co-director and co-producer of “The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker”. During our discussion, we talk about everything from his history with FMV games, murder mystery parties, horror film Scream, to the Guinness Book Of World Records. We […]

16 – Full Motion Video Games

Sometimes it’s cheesy, sometimes it’s effective, but the full motion video game will always have a soft spot in my heart. This episode we look at the heyday of the games, and look at the resurgence we’ve been seeing in recent years. Any one of these games would be a great experience to play through. […]

15 – Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego

Everyone loves a lady in red. This episode we look at the Deluxe Edition of “Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego”. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. Next month, we’re exploring German history in “Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within”. To start the ball rolling we’ll be taking a […]

14 – Legacy of Carmen Sandiego

On this episode we look back at the history of the Carmen Sandiego Franchise. From her starting days on the Apple 2, through her staring role on a public broadcasting game show, into the future of her upcoming Netflix show. All of this prepares us for our visit to the original game on the next […]

13 – Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Borgs & Klingons & Hirogen OH MY! This episode we wrap up the first “Summer Of Star Trek” with a look at the first person shooter “Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force”. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we look at the […]

12 – Know Your Genre: First Person Shooters

On this episode we look at the history of First Person Shooters and how they helped the Immersive Fiction genre evolve. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we look at “Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force”. All the games mentioned this episode […]

11 – Star Trek: Bridge Commander

On this episode we look at “Star Trek: Bridge Commander” from Totally Games. Take control of the crew of the Dauntless, and later Sovereign, in this completely unique game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website RoadmapPodcast.com, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next month when we look at the First Person […]

10 – History of Star Trek Games Part 1

On this episode we look at the games based in “Star Trek: The Original Series”. Starting with teletype games and ending at the turn of the century, Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise have inspired almost every genre of game you can imagine, this is just a few. Remember to connect with us on […]

09 – Creatures

On this episode we look at the artificial life simulation, “Creatures” (1996) from Cyberlife Games. I very much recommend this game, doubly so  considering it comes with the sequel as well in “Creatures: The Albian Years“. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we kick off the Summer of […]

08 – Know Your Genre: Sandbox Simulators

On this episode we take a quick look at the sandbox simulator or no-win genre. Coming up next episode we do a deeper dive in Cyberlife Technology’s “Creatures”. And I hope you look forward to our Summer Of Star Trek. Twitter – @roadmappodcast Site – RoadmapPodcast.com Here’s some links to the games and topics discussed in […]

07 – Diablo

On this episode we look at the action role playing game “Diablo” (1996) from Blizzard North. In the episode I refer to the theme from Tristram that you can listen to here. If you want to read the manual for the game you can do that here thanks to Archive.org. If you’re looking to scratch the […]

06 – Know Your Genre: Action RPG

On this episode we take a quick look at the action role playing genre. In case I missed mentioning it in the show itself, loot grinding plays a semi-important role in this genre. Next episode we take a deeper look into Blizzard North’s Diablo. If you’re looking to play an ARPG yourself, check the links […]

05 – Command & Conquer

On this episode we look at the real time strategy game “Command & Conquer” (1995) from Westwood Studios. Here’s the trailer, but you can grab it on Origin. Also, check out the game soundtrack here, the song I refer to as “Mechanical Man” is on the soundtrack as “Target“.  Remember to connect with us on twitter […]

04 – Know Your Genre: Real Time Strategy

In this episode, we look at a brief history of the real time strategy genre starting with Dune 2 and all the way up to the juggernaut that is League of Legends. Join us next episode when we do a deeper look at the Westwood classic Command & Conquer. Check us out on Twitter @roadmappodcast […]

03 – Sam & Max Hit The Road

On this episode we look at the adventure game “Sam & Max Hit The Road” (1993) from LucasArts. There’s no trailer from this game, but you can grab it on GOG.com. Also, check out the game soundtrack here for some midi jazzy detective fun.  Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast. Next episode we […]

02 – Know Your Genre: Adventure Games

On this episode we look at the adventure game genre. Starting at it’s early days of text only and ending at the modern Telltale iterations, we explore the cores of what makes and adventure game an adventure game. Included are some personal recommendations for each era. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast. Next […]

01 Knights Of The Old Republic

On this episode we look at Bioware & Lucas Art’s Knights of The Old Republic (2003). See the trailer for the game here and purchase the game from GOG.com here.

Music credits:
Song – My cue to leave
Artist – Steve Combs
Album – The Green Album

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