
60 – Rise Of Nations

This episode we discuss Rise of Nations, a strange hybrid of Risk & Age of Empires. It’s a great game with some really epic scope to its gameplay. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble […]

Digital Roadmap Podcast Episode 60 – Rise Of Nations

This episode we discuss Rise of Nations, a strange hybrid of Risk & Age of Empires. It’s a great game with some really epic scope to its gameplay. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble […]

57 – Stealth Edutainment

We are always learning. This episode we look at how games are teaching you even when you don’t realize it. Instead of classic “edutainment”, these games aren’t focused on a single concept. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 57 – Stealth Edutainment

We are always learning. This episode we look at how games are teaching you even when you don’t realize it. Instead of classic “edutainment”, these games aren’t focused on a single concept. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, […]

56 – The Sims

If the developers explore the twisted ways to kill characters, it can’t be wrong, Wright? Join an exploration of a one of a kind game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 56 – The Sims

If the developers explore the twisted ways to kill characters, it can’t be wrong, Wright? Join an exploration of a one of a kind game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to give […]

Digital Roadmap Podcast Episode 44 – Ghost Master

Casper thinks it’s mean, but his brothers LOVE IT! This episode we’re looking at the cult classic that deserved so much more, Ghost Master. Stop what you’re doing right now and check out this underrated gem. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market […]

44 – Ghost Master

Casper thinks it’s mean, but his brothers LOVE IT! This episode we’re looking at the cult classic that deserved so much more, Ghost Master. Stop what you’re doing right now and check out this underrated gem. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 35 – Know Your Genre: City Builders

Build the world in your image! This episode, learn the basics about City Builders, and maybe learn about a title you haven’t heard of before. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

35 – Know Your Genre: City Builders

Build the world in your image! This episode, learn the basics about City Builders, and maybe learn about a title you haven’t heard of before. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, Facebook, or join the Discord server. And if you’re in the market for a new game, try shopping using our Humble Bundle Partner Link to […]

23 – Time Travel

This episode will one day be sponsored by John Titor. Join us as we look just a few brief styles of time travel and how they’re used in video games for story telling purposes. Also, according to a guy who looked like a much older version of myself, this may one day be the pilot […]

22 – Jedi Knight Saga

A long time ago, in a galaxy that no longer exists… This episode we take a look at not one, not two, but four games and an expansion pack. Gain a better understanding of Kyle Katarn, and why old school Star Wars fans were excited by the concept of Rogue One before we knew anything […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 13 – Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Borgs & Klingons & Hirogen OH MY! This episode we wrap up the first “Summer Of Star Trek” with a look at the first person shooter “Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force”. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we look at the […]

13 – Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Borgs & Klingons & Hirogen OH MY! This episode we wrap up the first “Summer Of Star Trek” with a look at the first person shooter “Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force”. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we look at the […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 12 – Know Your Genre: First Person Shooters

On this episode we look at the history of First Person Shooters and how they helped the Immersive Fiction genre evolve. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next episode when we look at “Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force”. All the games mentioned this episode […]

Digital Roadmap Episode 11 – Star Trek: Bridge Commander

On this episode we look at “Star Trek: Bridge Commander” from Totally Games. Take control of the crew of the Dauntless, and later Sovereign, in this completely unique game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next month when we look at the First Person […]

11 – Star Trek: Bridge Commander

On this episode we look at “Star Trek: Bridge Commander” from Totally Games. Take control of the crew of the Dauntless, and later Sovereign, in this completely unique game. Remember to connect with us on twitter @roadmappodcast, visit the website, or join the Discord server. Don’t forget to come back next month when we look at the First Person […]

06 – Know Your Genre: Action RPG

On this episode we take a quick look at the action role playing genre. In case I missed mentioning it in the show itself, loot grinding plays a semi-important role in this genre. Next episode we take a deeper look into Blizzard North’s Diablo. If you’re looking to play an ARPG yourself, check the links […]

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